
Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Garlic Herb Chicken and Veggies

I think it's pretty clear at this point that I'm a lazy cook.  Maybe one day I'll make my own marinades.  Gotta dream big!  But for now, there's Lawry's.

Garlic Herb Chicken and Veggies
(This recipe is a Dave special!)

- Chicken
- Mushrooms
- Red peppers
- Green onions
- Garlic
- Butter
- Lawry's Garlic & Herb Marinade

1.  Melt a hunk of butter over medium heat, add chicken.

2.  While chicken is cooking slice up those green onions and your pepper.

3.  Add all your veggies and a heaping spoonful of garlic to the pan.  Give it a generous squirt of marinade.

4.  Simmer on medium heat until the veggies soften and the chicken is no longer pink inside.

Turn down the heat as you go to avoid overcooking everything.  If you get impatient or worried that your chicken isn't cooking through, you can cut it into cubes in the pan.  I think the chicken probably soaks up more of the marinade this way too.  I like to cut everything up into bite size pieces while I'm waiting anyway.  We also like to add extra marinade to act as the sauce for the dish.

5.  Serve over rice, enjoy!

I don't think these pictures really do this dish justice but it is delicious.  If you like simple recipes and something you can't really screw up, this one is for you.  Added bonus if your boyfriend will cook it for you!

Does the man in your life have some skills in the kitchen?


  1. He's so cute, I love you guys :-)
    B is a master sandwich maker, but I'd say I'm the main cook in the house because I love, love, love it! Double date soon, k?

  2. I love easy dinners like that, we always make extra sauce too, I need dipping sauce with every meal :)

    Chris is Ok in the kitchen, he actually surprises me at stuff he's willing to help with/try to make on his own!


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