
Sunday, November 27, 2011

I loooove long weekends.

On Thursday we traveled to New Jersey for the holiday.  I love Thanksgiving!  I stuffed my face all day and that's just the way I like it.  We spent most of the day with my mom's side of the family and got to meet this little guy.

Elmer is my cousin's new puppy, he's so cute.  Afterwards, we headed over to visit with my dad's side of the family to stuff my face with another helping of delicious food.  Overall it was a great day... until we got home to find doggy poop everywhere.  I will spare you the details.

Friday Michelle, mom, and I went out with the crazies!  We never get up super early for Black Friday, instead we start our shopping after a good night of sleep around 8:30 am.  I got some great deals and mom treated us to some Chipotle, my fave.  Saturday was a bridal shower for one of my high school friends to add on to my wedding fever!  Today Dave and I got up and went to church and then spent the afternoon busting our butts outside doing lots of yard work.  I'm definitely counting that as my workout for the day.

And now we're watching some football.  And do you know what goes perfect with football?!

Jalapeno Popper Dip
(adapted from this recipe)

- 2 packages of cream cheese (softened)
- 2 tablespoons of mayo
- 1 1/2 cups of shredded pepper jack cheese
- 1/2 cup of parmesan cheese
- 2 jalapeno peppers, cleaned out and chopped
- A few chopped jalapeno peppers from a jar (pickled)
- 1/2 lb of bacon
- A sprinkle of breadcrumbs

1.  Cook up some bacon in the oven.  I used Trader Joe's Ends and Pieces, it was cheaper than regular bacon but just as tasty.

2.  In the meantime, slice open your jalapenos.  Cut them in half and clean them out by scraping them with a spoon.  If you want it to be extra spicy, then you can leave some of the seeds and insides in, but I'm a wuss so I do a good job cleaning them out.  I also used gloves, I didn't want to risk burning my hands.

3.  Chop up your jalapenos (both fresh and from the jar) as small as you like, I chopped mine pretty fine.
4.  Combine cream cheese, mayo, pepper jack cheese, parmesan, jalapenos, and crumbled bacon in a bowl.  I mixed mine together and then added a few more jalapenos until I was satisfied with how spicy it was.
5.  Place in a baking dish.

6.  Top with a sprinkle of breadcrumbs.

7.  Bake at 375 degrees for 20 minutes.
8.  Enjoy with chips in a game time appetizer feast!

Make this dip!  And unless you're vegetarian, do not skip the bacon.  I'm making this again next weekend for Turducken Day, our friends Thanksgiving.  It's not really a traditional Turkey Day dish, but for some reason I don't think it will stop my friends from devouring it.

Well I'm going to go enjoy the rest of my weekend, I hope you had a good one!

How did you spend your Thanksgiving?  Did you endure the crowds on Friday for some deals?


  1. So excited for this dip! And Turducken Day with our friends of course :-) Glad you had a happy family filled Thanksgiving!!

  2. Hi there :) We spent Thanksgiving with my cousin Brett, his wife Jenn & their 2 little girls, who are 2 years old and 6 weeks old! We were at their house, about a half hour from where we live, and got to spend the holiday with them, my cousin Mandy & her family (who were down visiting from Georgia), my aunt & uncle, Grandma Ruth, and a few other various family members from each side. We brought along peanut butter brownies and everything was delicious! Plus, we got a free 19 lb turkey from Kyle's work, so we've been eating turkey and stuffing, salad with turkey, turkey sandwiches, pilaf with turkey, and turkey wraps all week. Not sick of it yet! I was at the mall on Black Friday, starting a job at The Picture People for the holidays. It was a little nutty in the mall, but I didn't have to go in until 2 pm, so it wasn't too bad. Glad you had a great time and that you got to go to the bridal shower!! miss you!


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