
Monday, November 7, 2011

How To Make a Green Monster!

Unsure of how sore my mouth was going to be after my surgery, we stopped at the grocery store on the way home and rounded up all the ingredients for a green monster smoothie.  Despite my mouth feeling fine, I opted for one on Sunday afternoon for post gym fueling.  That's right, I hit the gym on Sunday morning to do a 5K on the treadmill, which involved quite a bit of walking, but I wanted to take it easy and felt accomplished just getting to the gym (that's 1 down, 1 more to go for my weekly goal).

The Pretend You're On Vacation Green Monster

- 1 whopping handful of spinach
- 1 frozen banana
- 1 peach
- 2-3 spoonfuls of crushed pineapple with the juice
- A splash of OJ
- 4 ice cubes


1.  Put the spinach in first since it's the lightest ingredient.

2.  Layer the fruit.

 The crushed pineapple looks kinda gross, but yum!

3.  Pour the juice.
4.  Add the ice.
5.  Blend until smooth.

6.  Taste and add things to adjust if necessary.  (Mine was perfect though :D)

This was delicious!  It tasted like a drink I would've gotten by the pool in Jamaica, hence the name.  As always, despite the bright green color, the spinach was completely disguised, I couldn't taste it at all.

I love these smoothies because I feel like you can throw in whatever you want without really measuring anything and it always comes out so yummy and good for you.  Some recipes I've come across on different blogs include extras like protein powder, flax, wheatgrass, chia seeds, milk... some include peanut butter, or use kale instead of spinach.  I actually bought some Chobani to add some protein, but I totally forgot to use it.  Sometimes they come out looking a little iffy (my mom can't get over the green color at all) but they are always so delicious!

Side note: did my push-ups today!  I did 12, 10, 8, 7, 15 and none on my knees, all real push-ups!  Aw yeah.

What's your favorite fruit combo?  Have you made a green monster yet?


  1. I love the Green Monster! I make mine with a little different of a twist - Spinach, 1 banana, 1 green apple, Chobani - that is enough & a great taste! But sometimes I'd add extra fruit, just for a different taste!
    Thanks for this recipe!!

  2. Thanks for the tutorial! I already have all the ingredients in my fridge so this will be a nice change up from my standard oatmeal & fruit for breakfast. I'm glad you're recovering so fast from your surgery; I was praying for you :-)xoxo

  3. okaaay, okaaay. Me and that green monstah don't get a long, but you're inspired me to try again.


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