
Sunday, September 18, 2011

Work, Weekend, Workout

Well, week one of my new job is in the books!  It went really well.  I like my coworkers, I love that I have my own cubical (maybe I'll hate that later?), and it's just so nice to be back to work.  I did not enjoy getting up so early and feeling majorly exhausted, but I'll definitely be feeling better once I'm used to it!  Working also makes me appreciate the weekend a lot more.

Friday night Dave and I started with happy hour at the Firehouse and then we went out for sushi!  We checked out a restaurant in Berwyn called the Lotus Inn.  When we drove up to it, I wasn't sure what to expect because it was in a strip mall and had a hideous flashing neon open sign.  The inside was a complete surprise when we walking into a beautifully decorated, candlelit restaurant.

We ordered 4 rolls to split, 2 simple and 2 of the fancy rolls.  We got a spicy tuna roll and an eel roll to make up the simple portion of the meal.  And the specialty rolls were a spiderman roll (yes spiderman hehe) and a tiger roll.  Honestly I really couldn't tell you what was in those two rolls if my life depended on it, they were both pretty tasty, but the crunchy fish eggs on top didn't really float my boat.

Afterwards we met up with some friends to  grab a drink at the Iron Hill Brewery in Phoenixville.  I tried out their chocolate weiss, which was a little intense but tasty.

My Saturday was spent doing a little shopping, coaching my girls at their football game, and watching the Phils clinch the division!  Today has been an overall lazy day, except I made it to the gym for the first time this week.  Once I'm used to my schedule, I'll definitely be making more gym appearances, but I was glad I got a workout in today.

Today's workout:
Intervals on the arc trainer - 40 minutes
Strength training legs - 20 minutes
2.5 mi walk & talk with my friend Tami

The arc trainer kicked my butt.  I picked some program called intervals 1:1 and chose level 5.  This turned into alternating between resistance 40 and 65.  I would usually use this machine at resistance between 20 and 30, so this workout kicked my butt!  I felt completely winded after every interval at 65!  It felt good to push myself.  I only selected 20 minutes for that portion, but then I didn't want to get off the machine so I switched over to manual and did another 20 minutes between 20 and 25 but with a super high incline so it was like doing high knees the entire time.  After the gym I realized how much I wanted to be outside since it was so gorgeous out so I called Tami and we got to catch up while enjoying the weather.  Yay for walking dates with a friend.

Fall certainly has arrived!  This week was significantly colder and I love these temps... and football.  Well off to enjoy the rest of my Sunday, my mom, my sister and I are doing a girls night at Red Lobster.  Endless shrimp, here I come!

When do you find time to workout with your job?  Do you get up early and go before or try to keep your motivation going after you're done work?

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you like your new job :-) Decorate that cube girl haha. Getting up early and working out is definitely the way to go. It sucks while you're doing it but when you get home from work and realize you don't have to go, it's all worth it...not to mention if you still want to do something after work then it counts as double time!


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