
Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Suddenly September

I'm always excited for my birthday to arrive on August 31st, but with it comes the inevitable, the end of summer!  Don't get me wrong, I love fall, it's actually my favorite season.  At the same time, there's definitely a sadness to the end of summer, especially when it starts to get dark earlier and earlier.

Anyway, after surviving Irene, this week was spent celebrating my 25th birthday.  Dave was down the shore for the entire week, so he sent his love with a special delivery.

As you can see, they are amazing!  My birthday celebration continued that evening at the bar with a birthday tiara, some wings, my awesome friends, and wayyyyy too much booze.  I drank everything under the sun, including 3 different types of whiskey.  Needless to say, the next day was spent in extreme struggle mode.  An amazing mani/pedi was the only thing that saved me, oh and some Chipotle!

After I somehow recovered enough to coach my girls, I drove down to Cape May to spend the weekend with Dave and his parents.  Dave's high school friends Karisa and Frank were down for the week too, so we spent their last night out and about, getting silly.

The next day the birthday surprises continued with a trip to the Cape May Winery and Vineyard.  We took a tour which took us into the vineyard, through the tank room, and into the barrel room where we got to taste a bunch of different wines from the winery.

After the tour was over, we bought some bottles of wine and went out on the back deck.  The weather was perfect and they had someone playing accoustic guitar, so we hung around to try out the apple wine we purchased.  Did you know they made wine out of apples?  I had no idea, but it was delicious.  I love sweet fruity wines and this one was no exception, but it wasn't too sweet so Dave liked it too.

And of course we were blessed with some beautiful beach weather.

Our weekend ended with checking out some bars Dave and I had never been to with his aunt and uncle and their friends.

Overall a great weekend, a great birthday, a great summer.  Now onto hoodies, changing leaves, warm cider (and rum), and obviously some football!  And hopefully a new job.  I'm waiting to hear back from an interview and I have another one on Friday.  We'll see.


  1. So glad you had a great birthday, A! Apple wine always reminds me of Fall...they have some really yummy ones in New Hope this time of year.

  2. I'm so glad (also) that you had a great birthday! I'm sorry Irene ruined the first half - which we still need to make up!

    I'm also stoked you made it to the Cape May Winery - I've heard great things!!

  3. I like sweet wines too, like niagara and anything raspberry :) We have a sparkling raspberry wine that I'm excited to break out this weekend, can't wait to see you! Glad you had a great bday :)


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