
Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Happy (Belated) 4th of July!

“If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away.” – Thoreau

The US may not be perfect, but I will never take my freedom for granted.  America, f*ck yeah!  Haha, I couldn't resist!

Anyway, this weekend was another wonderful beach weekend.  We have been so blessed with weather down the shore this year (and now that I've said that, I'm sure it will storm the entire time we're there next)!  Our weekend consisted of some quality time with Dave's parents, too much delicious food, more tropical cocktails (I love pina coladas!), and lots of sun.

$10 Walmart Phillies hat, for the win!

And Kimber and Pete came to visit us :)

I was kind of bummed though, because last year we got to enjoy fireworks from the beach Sunday night but this year they had them Monday.  I love fireworks, but not enough to drive home at 10 pm the night before heading back to work after a long weekend, yuck!  So we left after dinner.  But once it got dark, fireworks were popping up everywhere!  We were almost home when we came across fireworks directly next to the highway.  It was awesome!  We couldn't believe how many people were pulling over on the side of the road to watch them.  I like fireworks, but not enough to almost get in an accident swerving my car into the shoulder.  Oh how I love the ridiculous people on the road.  I wish I had snapped some pics but I was driving and didn't think to put my passenger to work.  Enjoy the sunset that I forced asked him to capture earlier in the drive.

Overall we had a great time (aside from almost killing myself on a bicycle with a wobbly front wheel in traffic).  But it's always so difficult getting back into the swing of things after lounging and relaxing all weekend.  Tonight I plan on pressing the reset button by hitting the gym and trying to plan some healthy eats for the week.

Oooh I almost forgot.  We were in the Acme in Cape May about to check out, and I spot this guy that I really feel like I recognize.  I'm looking at him racking my brain - how do I know him???  Well then I spot who he's with and it all comes together - it was Ashley and Stephen from (never home)maker!  What a small world!  I wish we would have arranged some kind of meet up, but I didn't even think about it since it was my first blog to real world meeting and I already felt a little bit like a creeper.  Maybe next time!

Well hope you all had a great holiday weekend!

What did you do to celebrate?


  1. Hahah. Don't feel like a creeper! The minute we left, I was like "WE SHOULD HAVE MADE PLANS!" But I was so out of it from walking in the heat . . . and after that we had to walk like 2 miles to our hotel with WAY too much stuff we bought, including the chairs :) Looks like you had a GREAT TIME!


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