
Monday, June 18, 2018

A Belated Father's Day Shout Out

I wanted to post something nice on social media yesterday for Father's Day, but I didn't have time to construct the kind of post that Dave deserves.  So a day late... here we are!

Dave was a great father from Day 1.  In the hospital he changed just about every diaper.  He was more than supportive while I struggled to get the baby to breastfeed, assisting with every attempt, prepping all the pumping supplies each time, and continuing to keep me hydrated.

Once we got home, he was a natural at taking care of all his girls.  He took night shifts with the baby so I could sleep and never complained at all when I woke him up in the middle of the night.  He walked laps around the living room when the baby was fussy.  He supported my recovery in every way.  He cleaned the house so it always looked presentable for the guests we had coming to meet the baby.  He made sure the dog was cared for and loved.

He is so wonderful with Vienna.  You can just see how much he loves her every time he interacts with her.  He sings silly songs and reads to her.  He has taken over the bedtime routine.  He is totally fine handling her solo and has been since the beginning.  He has taken her to church, the mall, and the park without hesitation, which has allowed me to spend time out and about, helping me to feel more like myself and not just Mom.

But I always knew Dave would be an amazing father since he was such a great partner already.  He does way more laundry than I do, including baby laundry, towels, and our sheets.  He washes my pumping bottles and a lot of our other dishes daily.  The man scrubs our toilets!!!!  On top of all that he puts up with my crazy antics and tells me I'm beautiful all the time.

We are the luckiest.  Happy Father's Day Dave!