
Wednesday, February 1, 2017

January Whole30(+5): Days 18 - 23

Day 18, Thursday 1/26/17 - I went to happy hour and didn't drink or eat anything.  I really wanted those $1 chicken fingers more than any alcohol.  I rushed over to Whole Foods between happy hour and choir rehearsal specifically for Tessemae's BBQ Sauce and they had a whole row of Tessemae's products, but no BBQ.  Boo!  I ate a Larabar on my way to choir to hold me over and had a small bowl of chili when I got home.

Day 19, Friday 1/27/17 - The workout was a modified version of Open 16.1: a 20 minute AMRAP of 8 front rack lunges, 8 chest to bar pull ups, 8 overhead lunges, and 8 bar-facing burpees.    This workout holds a special place in my heart because it was the first time I got C2B pull ups, but last Friday and Monday, I was really struggling with C2B pull ups, so I was thinking maybe I lost them.  But as soon as I warmed up I knew today was different.  I was crushing them!  I hit every single rep and they felt amazing.  My booty was on fire from all the lunges (grow booty grow)!  I finished 4+26 beating my score from last time by 8 reps.

I hosted the annual chili cookoff at my work!  Two years ago, I had a seriously unfortunate time when I decided to throw caution to the wind on Day 19 of my Whole30 and try over a dozen different chilis.  It wasn't pretty.  I knew I couldn't do a repeat of that.  I stuck to my chili (which was compliant aside from the bacon & spicy sausage, because I couldn't justify putting the expensive stuff in my chili for my coworkers) and I had a few bites of a handful of other chilis.  No belly aches.  Thank God!

Day 20, Saturday 1/28/17 - 10 hours of sleep!  Because I can haha.  I went to Leah's for lunch.  It was great to catch up and lunch was tasty.  We had mahi mahi, a tomato cucumber salad, and this Bacon Lime Sweet Potato Salad.  Jeff and Arley came over for dinner and I made a simple Asian beef stir fry.  I totally added non-compliant sriracha (at least it was a more natural version).  I really couldn't tell you why I deemed this acceptable in my head, but I just really wanted that taste in the dish.

Day 21, Sunday 1/29/17 - Lots of sleep and Dave and I both took a nap after church.  Talk about a lazy Sunday.  We went out to dinner with Dave's parents at Bahama Breeze.  I started with an appetizer of lump crab meat, shrimp, avocado, and mango.  It was delicious.  For my entree, I should've gotten the catch of the day with veggies, but I splurged and went for coconut shrimp (which were probably coated in flour and cooked in a crappy oil) with mashed potatoes (that probably had butter and cream in them) and broccoli (butter).  It was super delicious and my tummy was not upset with me afterwards.

For the record, I did not eat whatever those cracker things were.

Day 22, Monday 1/30/17 - Ugh a crappy night of sleep.  I woke up freezing at one point and had to get out of bed to put more layers on.  Butler was also snoring in my face.  At CrossFit we worked on finding a max thruster (squat & then press overhead in one movement).  I got up to 100#, I definitely could've done more but I was being cautious of my back.  The metcon was several rounds of power cleans, thrusters, and burpees.  Thrusters + burpees = awful, but I know they are coming in the Open!  After 3 days of being pretty loose with my diet, I got my act together today.  I was tempted to go out to lunch but I decided to skip and stick with what I had.  In the evening I went into the city for a networking social at McGillin's Olde Ale House (with an open bar and a buffet of wings, meatballs, and other yummy food).  I ate some leftovers before I left work, abstained from all the food aside from a handful of fruit, and stuck to club soda with lime.  I asked the bartender to put my drink in a cocktail glass and nobody was the wiser.

Day 23, Tuesday 1/31/17 - I can't believe it's the last day of January... and that I still have 12 days left!  My friend suggested that since I never commit to the reintroduction protocol (because who wants to do another 10 days after the 30?!) that I should do 30 days and then start the reintro in the last 5 days.  That way I could really evaluate how certain things impact me while not totally blowing my diet for the last week of my gym's nutrition challenge.  So I'm considering that.  I was really hungry when I got home from work so I decided to make 4 deviled eggs and eat them straight to the face (well I gave half of one to the dogs).  I had a lot of regret later... I really wanted to blow off barbell club, but I stuck with my schedule and sucked it up.  The eggs were sitting like a brick in my stomach the entire time I was there.  I did a bunch of power cleans and they were really consistent.  My stomach was still feeling kinda iffy so I skipped dinner when I got home and just went to bed super early.

I've been feeling sort of uninspired in the kitchen the past few days, but we're having a small shindig for the Super Bowl and I'm excited about my compliant, yet delicious menu: wings, guacamole, build your own taco bar, and more!

 So what do you think, should I call it at 30 days and start reintroducing foods?