
Monday, September 21, 2015

Our Honeymoon Recap Part 6: Exploring

Well I should be packing... or sleeping, but I felt compelled to drop some pictures into this post and get it online!  I feel like I should probably finish recapping Nicaragua before we go on our next trip ;)

The 6th day of our honeymoon started with another delicious breakfast buffet.  Dave skipped yoga, but I went and enjoyed another class with a view.  We spent the rest of the morning on the beach at the resort before deciding to hike into the neighboring town with our new friends Glen and Andrea.

The hike into Playa Gigante was fairly easy, on a path through the woods.  When we got into town the beach views were amazing.

We walked around a little when we first arrived.  The town was small with a few restaurants and bars, full of a mix of locals and gringo surfers.

We stopped and had a few drinks at a random bar and happened to run into the fun bartender from our resort on his day off.  I really wish I remembered his name.  We ended up hanging out with him all day!  Dave also struck up a conversation with a gentleman who turned out to be a former diplomat who gave him some really nice cigars.  There was a taco stand right next to this bar that our friends got food from, but I wasn't hungry.  I still regret not getting those tacos!

We wandered around some more and went to another bar where we met up with another couple we had met at the resort.  We stuck out like sore thumbs there so we didn't stay long.  We ended up at a really neat bar right on the beach.  A bunch of locals and surfers were all gathered to watch a soccer game on tv and the drinks were flowing!

Andrea and I spent a bunch of time on the beach.  The sand was super hot but the water was very rough, so we spent our time alternating between.  They had a slack line out front and a few of the surfer guys came out to show us how it was done.  I couldn't walk across that thing if my life depended on it!

After we hiked back into town, we got seriously close to some monkeys!

Next we freshened up and got ready for our dinner at Mukuls.  The hotel had arranged a taxi for us for the 15 minute ride.  When we arrived at the resort, it seriously felt like we were at Jurassic Park because of the large extravagant gate at the entrance!  They took our IDs at the gate and we rode up to the front of the resort.  As soon as the car door opened, we knew we had arrived in the lap of luxury.  The resort was breathtaking.  We were lead through the entrance, each staff member more polite than the next.  The dining room hadn't opened yet, so they sat us in a beautiful lobby area where we ordered some delicious drinks.

Soon after we were sat in the open air portion of the restaurant with a wonderful beach view.  Our waiter was fabulous.  He was extremely nice, made great suggestions, and brought us a bottle of wine on the house.  We started our meal trying not to fill up on the tasty bread.  Next we ordered appetizers.  I had a cold dish with scallops from the bay served with red onion and goat cheese.  It was unique and delightful.  For my entree I enjoyed a medley of shrimp, clams, and crab meat in a rich sauce.  It was so decadent!  The meal was just wonderful.  I'm so glad we received the tip to go there.

After we wrapped up our dinner, Dave wanted to take a peek in the cigar shop.  I sat in the lobby and decided to take advantage of the wifi.  A friend had let me know that the PE (professional engineering exam) results were in for April.  I took the 8 hour exam a month before our wedding, like a crazy person, and I really wasn't sure I had passed.  I debated whether I actually wanted to know the results, but then curiosity got the best of me.  When I finally got my log in and password right, the webpage surprised me with a little green PASS.  I couldn't believe it!  I was seriously in shock.  Did I really pass?!  I took a screen shot of the results so I could pull it up at any point, just to be sure that sweet little PASS was still there.  What an incredible discovery on such a special night of our honeymoon!

Unfortunately, after dinner something did not agree with my tummy.  I honestly think it was most likely the ice from my cocktails in town during the day.  I could not imagine the food at that amazing resort making my stomach so upset.  The rest of the night was a little rough, but it could've been worse.

One more recap left... Part 7