
Thursday, January 30, 2014

Let's Get the Ball Rolling

Hello there!  It has been way too long.  The busy in Busy Bold Blessed is no joke and the blog definitely takes a backseat when life gets crazy.  It's funny though, I've thought about posting a few different times, but I always end up not sure where to start.  So much has happened since I last posted, so I feel like should write an extremely long catch up or post a ton of pictures but ain't nobody got time for that... so then I end up skipping it all together.

So here we are, I'm trying to get the ball rolling with a little something of a post.  So what's new?

In the beginning of December, I went to Disney World with my cheer squad for Pop Warner Nationals.  Our trip had a rocky start when our flight was canceled by a snowstorm and everyone scrambled to find a place to stay for the night.  We just barely got out the next day, our flight was delayed and apparently the airport closed just a few hours after we left for ice and wind conditions.  By the time we arrived at our hotel it was close to 9 pm, we got dinner around 10, and then stayed up till midnight putting the everyone's hair in rollers (for competition curls, obviously :D).  We missed our scheduled practice time, so we ended up practicing at 7 am the morning of the competition.  After practice, the girls all took naps and rested while I soaked up some rays at the pool.  We competed around 2:30 that afternoon and the girls looked amazing!  I have coached the Souderton Braves since I was in 9th grade and finally, in my 14th season, we earned the title National Champions!  Not only did we win our division, but we also won trophies for high score of the day and best choreography!  Talk about icing on the cake!  We beat out squads with much more difficult routines and hired choreographers for those categories.  It still seems surreal!

Everyone was taking pictures of their kids with the trophies, sooooo this happened lol.

The rest of the trip was just as glorious.  It was in the 70s and 80s without a drop of rain the entire time we were there.  Apparently Disney is empty in the beginning of December (since most people take their kids over Thanksgiving or Christmas), so we barely waited in line for anything.  It was a wonderful week with some wonderful people.  Confession: we're already dreaming of next year!


Wedding planning is full steam ahead, as it should be since the big day is only 107 days away!  We had our tasting at the DoubleTree just before Christmas and we felt like royalty.  The service was over the top, the food was delicious, and we're even more excited about the venue.  Our flowers are going to be done by Jenny Greenwald, a woman who's friends call her "Knockoff Jenny" because she does expensive things for cheap :)  We finally registered (and by we, I mean mostly me with the help of my bridesmaid Leah since Dave thought Bed Bath & Beyond was slow torture).  We started our premarital counseling with our pastor.  We just picked out our wedding bands at the fabulous David S. Diamonds on 5th Avenue during an awesome long weekend in New York City.  My first dress fitting is this Saturday and the guys are going to pick out their tuxes on Sunday.  Oh and our luxury treehouse overlooking the Pacific Ocean in Nicaragua has been booked!  Next up: ordering invitations, booking either a party bus or a trolley, and cake tasting!

Our treehouse with a private plunge pool at Aqua Wellness Resort.

I'm still loving (and simultaneously hating) CrossFit.  Two or three months ago, we did a workout with a lot of pull ups in it and I was struggling hard with two resistance bands.  I realized how much of a weakness pull ups were for me, despite being such a typical move in CrossFit.  Since then I've been spending extra time working on them and I got my first unassisted kipping pull up!  And then I did three in a row!  (And then I ripped my calluses open... good times.)  I love seeing progress in the gym.  I also hit a 15 lbs deadlift PR yesterday morning at 190 lbs!

What else?  Well I'm taking an 8 hour exam in April to hopefully obtain my professional engineering license to further my career.  I joined our church's choir.  Cheer has been on hiatus since Nationals, but we just started our once a week off season practices on Tuesday.  I'm also starting a Whole30 on Monday!  I guess it's not technically a Whole30 because I have some cheats planned, but I want to start getting serious for the wedding and I know the plan works for me.  I won't be blogging much about it (if at all) and I won't feel guilty when I'm enjoying my planned cheats.

So that's that!  Things are busy, but they are great.  I continue to feel so lucky that I've been blessed with such a full life.  Don't forget to like my facebook page if you want to hear from me more frequently!

What's new in your neck of the woods?